Day to Day Realization

Every day is an opportunity to breathe. Be grateful. Every day is an opportunity to learn something which helps us to grow. Be grateful as well. If we have skills to show when it can help to grow? any answer? The answer is when you use it in the right place, with the right people at the right time. The skills will help you to grow based on your environment. Power is not showing everywhere, it could be power of education, power of money, power of skills, power of anything what almighty given to you. Wait for the time. The right time will definitely come. Just need Patience.

Bidita Rahman

Wednesday Mindfulness

Sometimes, blessings can be handled with care. God gives us what we really need. He knows us more than us. He is our creator, we are his best creation. We are in the best form of the creation. We are in charge of this earth. We are part of God’s master plan. We are blessings from divinity. We need to be connected with divinity with belief and transparency—transparency with divinity, not the traffic jam souls (who are trapped by themselves). We need patience to understand the tranquility of divinity and spirituality.

Bidita Rahman